Monday, July 8, 2013

New comp...again!!

Last night I had this terrible nightmare that Sister Sharp hated Sister Yerman and that there would be emergency transfers. I was like "NOOO I don't want to be transferred!!!" Then there was a part of the dream where humongous poisonous bugs were flying into my new bedroom... The room where Sister Payton was comps with Sister Dee. And President & Sister Oliveira were on their way to see our apartment. Terrible dream right??

Well, today.. I got a call from President. I'm training... AGAIN. Haha. What? Her name is Sister Santos. She served as a mini missionary at one point with Sister Dee. She is going to Brazil, and hasn't recieved her visa yet. (Obviously, my dream didnt foreshadow this.. but it did give me a scare!) Actually, she called up the mission President last night and told him she would like to leave on her mission ASAP. So... Now I'm her comp. And Sister Pina is with Sister Biggs. President said that I am now "mentoring" Sister Pina. We'll all be living in the same house now,.. and working in the same branch. It'll be hard, but fun. :)

As for this past week.... Sister Pina poor thing, has been sick all week. But has been trying to work diligently. Sister Biggs is getting TONS better at understanding. I think she understands between 50-75%! :) Sweet girls. Man. I really love them. I'm sad I only got to be their comp for 2 weeks.

The leadership meeting was BALLER. Man... I feel so different going into missionary meetings now than I did the whole rest of my mission. I feel like I've grown so much. It's nuts.

No baptism this week. Everyone is going crazy over here, but alot of good things are coming out of the woodworks.. The success stories will be next week. ;)

Anyways,... Yup. FAST PACED LAST TRANSFER.. WHAT?! :) I'm excited.

Also, Sister Biggs is teaching me how to sing alto... she just laughs at me. hahaha.

I know more happened this week, but I cant remember bc of everything that happened today!

So yup, bye!
Sister Buhler

Monday, July 1, 2013


So this week has been alot of fun. :) Sister Pina and I picked up Sister Biggs Tuesday afternoon. Oh, it was a lot of fun. The same thing happened to Biggs that happened to me when I got here, the map of cape verde came up on the powerpoint, they say your name, your trainer's name (your trainer RUNS in the room to hug you), they say where you will be serving, and you take a picture together! It was cool to finally be the one stampeding into the room. :)

Sister Biggs doesn't understand about half of anything. hahah. I think she understands, then I look at her, she gives me the blank stare and starts smiling. hahaha. Nope, nada. She getting better at asking us to repeat things to her.

This week, I taught Sister Pina how to give trainings, and trained Sister Biggs. Personal study, Comp study, Train, train. I've come up with a newer, more complicated study schedule, but it will work out better bc now Sis Biggs can language study with me instead of by herself.

It is the following:
Buhler Biggs Pina
8 ---Lang------ PS

9 PS ------Tr-------

10 --T--- PS ---T----

11 ---------CompS--------

You get that? Make sense? So Pina will do Biggs' training from now on. That's what Pres wants. And that is fine by me. :) I make them language flash cards, and scripture cards to memorize in their spare time. Man. I think giving me 2 comps is the best thing the Lord ever did to me. I'm so busy! I mean I normally kept myself busy in other companionships, but now being responsible for more things.. its great. Being busy is being happy. :)

Speaking of which, tomorrow is the leadership coucil here in Praia. I'll be going to that by myself and my comps will go out and work. I'm a little worried for Biggs.. ahaha. But she'll do fine. It'll be a good wake up call for her. :)

My comps are so funny. I wish everyone could meet them. Their mannerisms just kill me. ahahaa. Sister Pina mostly communicates in quick look/facial expressions.. the facial expressions are so fast they are just looks. And she is so sweetly patient with Sister Biggs. These two are just so cute together. I swear. They help each other with the languages they are learning.. man. I am a LUCKY and BLESSED missionary to have them. :)

Olga got baptized this week. She's a sweet little doe eyed girl who has alot of member friends and we're trying to help her mom accept the gospel. She cant read so she's really shy.

MARIO got baptized this week!!! And his whole family came!! I sat next to his mom at the baptism.. she cried! Man... I am so happy for Mario.. :) goodness me.

I have enclosed pictures of..

Me and Sister Pina eating cake.
Me, Sister Biggs and Sister Pina.
me, yerman and her greenie sharp, biggs, pina and payton (pina's real mom)

So uh, yup. That's it!
Until later!
Sister Buhler

Monday, June 24, 2013

Ai dos mentirosos!

This week, Mario was SUPPOSED to get baptized... but convieniently the day he was supposed to be interviewed, he was accused of stealing a computer from his neighbor's house! So he spent the day in jail for something he didn't do. Mario wouldn't hurt a fly. He's honestly super amazing. Darn Satan. Then he had to go to the Police Station on Sunday to make a statement, but no one was there. Fubekas! Bishop had called later that night to check up on Mario and we told him how distraught we were... he was like, "I'm so sorry.. I one of my investigators was stabbed and killed in my first area. I know it's rough." ..Bishop wins.

Anyways, Saturday he wasn't feeling that great bc he was all hyped up for his baptism and now he was just spending the day doing nothing. Previously, I had passed some church movies from my thumb drive to his friend Ailton's computer. Well, Ailton knew he'd be doing nothing so he left his computer with him. Mario watched the Land of Light film, the Legacy and Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration. When we met with him yesterday he was telling us all of these things and then he stopped and was like, "When I was watching the film about Joseph Smith, when the kid was praying in the forest... I felt something.. *he touched his hand to his chest* ..and it made me want to cry." We had HUGE smiles on our faces. We were just like, "That is the Spirit!!!" :D Oh.. It was so happy!

This Saturday, the church (in all of the islands it seems) cleaned up the dirtier beaches in CV. We cleaned up Gamboa(sp?). It was a lot of fun, but my thighs are super sore from bending over all morning. haha.

Um. In case anyone was wondering this weekend was transfers. and Yep. I got transferred. To a different area of Praia. We all knew that 10 or 11 new sisters would be coming in and that we were short one sister to be able to train them all. When elders would ask how we knew we would be training this transfer, we simply responded that we did the math and that, in fact, one unlucky sister would have to train 2... Speaking currently is the unlucky sister. hahahaha. President started out the phone call by saying "Sister Buhler.. I miss you!" I miss you too! "Sister Buhler, the Lord loves you and trusts you." Oh yeah president? Why do you say that? "Because he is trusts you with a big responsibility. You will be recieving Sister Biggs from the MTC, and you will be with Sister Pina. You will finish Sister Pina's training and train her how to finish training Sister Biggs." ... So yes. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to train the 1st 6 weeks, the 2nd 6 weeks, and train how to train.... but I have a meeting with other trainers tomorrow about it. And I recieved the call this morning that I am now, in fact, the new Sister Leader for Praia.

Sister Yerman is going to stay in our area and reap a bazillion baptisms with her new greenie Sister Sharp that will get here tomorrow. Exciting right?

We have an investigator that works doing tickets at the airport for the church. She is amazing. She also told us this week that she didn't make any tickets for us so we knew we would be staying on the island. :) She also made us pizza and juice!

Our RC Eliane went and taught with the Elders this week. They called us up after and were like, "We just went and taught with Eliane and we wanted to say that ya done good. She participated, she explained things, she bore her testimony that the church would bring them lots of happiness, and she even offered to say the closing prayer and left a blessing on the house. ... And she was dressed modestly." Hahahaha. Oh heavens! We're so proud. :)

Our Bishop's family is out of town this week. We made him Cachupa and brought him some leftover cobbler we had. Poor thing just runs around with no time to made food. He was really grateful. He says we are wonderful. hahaha.

Lots of love,

Sister Buhler

Monday, June 17, 2013


Well, no pictures today because I forgot the adapter.

But we ran/hiked all the way up to the top of a mountainous thing this morning and it was AWESOME. The área up there is called Bela Vista. You can see the whole city from up there! Man... It was fun.

In other news, Eliane got baptized this week. :) The Elders and we were very happy to see her get baptized. (They had been working with her before they passed her to us.) She was late to her baptism and confirmation, but she is really liking church and Young Women's. She's 17. There aren't alot of Young women in our ward but at least they are all her age to make her feel right at home.

The Elders this week baptized a 62 or 67 year old woman... She is now the oldest AND newest member of our ward! She has alot of problems walking, but the Elders gave her a blessing and she has been walking better and better every week with the help of the members. She also can't read, so the members are going to pass around a calendar in relief society and priesthood for people to pass by everyday to read to her. She's a real sweet thing.

This upcoming week, Mario will be baptized! He's the friend and neighbor of our ward mission leader, Ailton. We marked this date with him earlier in the transfer and this past week he has been wanting to move it back a week... This wouldn't be such a huge deal if it wasnt Satan putting that thought into his mind when he is already ready. But he interviewed with the Bishop with the Bishop's routine before baptism interview, and Bishop turned his thoughts around.

This week we recieved a list of 28ish less actives from the Bishop. The Bishop, The Elders, and we all had a meeting where we knelt in prayer and we divided up the work in 2 sections, and now we will be working with the ward counsil to try and bring these people back. We will talk about 2 people from each half of the list each week and talk about how we can help them. :) I'm excited for our ward to be big and strong again. :)

This week 2 different less acctives we did visits to, came to church!! :D Plus 5 of our investigators. It was super happy. :)

Zone Conference was great this week. It was great to be able to talk to President and Sister Oliveira. I'm so lucky to have them as my mission president. :)

Other than that, the sun is hot here.. The work is going well. We're happy. This weekend is transfers. This transfer just FLEW by. Where did it go? Seriously.

Anyways, That is all.
Sister Buhler

Monday, June 10, 2013


So this week was an AWESOME week to be me. HOLY MOLEY.

We had visits from the sister leaders. Which means I saw Vander! :D It was alot of fun. We got to do a one hour division. So Vander and I taught the first lesson to a man named Totu... He's HUGE! When I saw huge, I mean BUFF! He went to prison for 3yrs for something he didnt do.. He now works in security. Yerman and I marked a baptism date with him later on. He was like, "Yeah, that's cool. You guys know what is best." He's amazing. and he has a woman. Who is SUPER nice. I hope we can help them get married...

When Sister Robinson came down from S. Antao, we told her sister yerman was brazilian. HAAHHA. For a whole day. And she believed it. I wish I was mexican and could do cool things like her. My comp also got called "Japa" this week. hahahaa. No one ever gets her nationality right.

Zediani got baptized this week! :D Oh man. Our bishop baptized her. She got in the

NO ONE TELL ANYONE.. but we are planning a casamento escondido. Haha. Our investigator, Janice has been living with a reactivated lessactive member... and they were against marriage. Not against it... but they didnt know when to get married. and she didnt want to move out of his room. Well, Yesterday I finally was like, " So you dont want to move out Janice? Then our invite today is for you guys to start your wedding papers this week. Don't worry about the date until later. Just start the papers because you have to get married." For some reason, things fell into place after that... I shared my Aunt Debra's eloping experience (Thanks Debra and Garren!) and told them how important it is to keep the commandments. Then Janice was like, "I'd like to do that.. a secret wedding. How do you do that?" --Just get married in the courthouse. "Thats it?" --Thats it. "I dont need to be married in the church?" --Nope. Thats just the Catholic church. You'll go to the temple a year later. "Ok." Hahaha. we asked Lindinho to say the closing prayer and he was like "Give me a minute...I'm just so happy right now." Hahahaha. I'M SO EXCITED! secret wedding. secret wedding!

Other news, I'm 2 weeks behind in my journal. My comp and I are pooped all of the time. OH!! Check our numbers!!! (keep in mind we made our goals to challenge us!)

Goal/what happened:
bat 1/1
date marked 8/11
lessons with members 15 /17
other 0/11
new inv 8/15
less active lessons 3/6
training members 2/4
(obviously i excluded the goals we didnt meet. hhaaha. but these are the most important ones anyways.)

We aslo had 6 people at church. But only 4 were at sacrament meeting.

Also, Heavenly Father loves me because I accidently left my camera card sitting on the counter at this internet place last week (stupid I know), and no one stole it! We came back, and we sent the other sisters back here during the week.. nothing. You would think after asking twice it would be gone, but THANKFULLY, the lady today had found it last week! :D Thank heavens.. It had precious pictures from Sao Vicente on it. WHEW! Thanks Heavenly Father!

Also, today we found King Burger! hahaha. The knockoff burger king. We talked to the worker there... He is now a reference for the Elders.hahaha.

I love Praia. This week I'll be on divisions with Sister Payton. I'm excited! I love Payton! Also, I learned her greenie is scared of me. hahahhaha.

Also, we found a gecko in our house last night! He doesn't live with us anymore... He lives outside. He took a ride on sister yerman's skirt. hahahaha.

Ate logo!
Love, Sister Buhler

Monday, May 27, 2013


This week... Zediani did not get baptized again. hahaha. She was so scared. Even with her dad baptizing her. He was trying to help her in the water, and she exclaims, "AGUA E' TCHEU DEMAIS!" hahah. Poor thing. Her Dad finally baptized her, but he only said the first 3 names and not her 4th.. so she has to get baptized again this week.

We had 4 sisters die this week. (aka. go home from the mission) It was rather sad. They are very loved... But we did inherit some nice things from them! If they are reading! THANK YOU! hahah.

The sisters from the other islands are coming in today, (the ones that are sister leaders). Im excited to see them.

This whole week and part of last week we've been using our landlord's mother's electricity. Apparently one of the tenants in our building didnt pay their bill so they cut the whole building's light... then they put it back in.. but somehow our level still doesnt have electricity? So there is a cord that runs from her level to ours giving half of our apartment light.

There is an incredible recent convert named Sandra who was baptized a few weeks ago. She fed us a tortilla, with sausage and delicious mangos!! We had went to her house to talk to her about helping us teach a girl named Line, but then she kept feeding us! Oh... I was full before we even walked into her house and every bite was a fight.... but the mangos were super good. Cabo Verde has THE best mangos!

Other news... We have a few young ladies progressing towards baptism. They are sweet.

The ward is having "Rescue month". The whole ward is choosing 2 people that they can help come to church before the end of the year. One less active and one nonmember. And this next sunday, the ward is going to fast for these people. I'm so happy for them! By the end of the year we will have our frequency up to 150 if they do it. They have an average frequency of about 70. This past week was 90.

Praia really is something different. I really love the area I'm in and the people we teach and find... They are just so ready. Way more than others. Kindof makes me wonder why the Lord put me here in my last transfers. hahaha.

Until next week!
Sister Booler

Monday, May 20, 2013


Well, I've met my comp Sister Yerman. She's the BOMB. I love her so much. She's half mexican so she's picked up the language super fast and everyone here loves her! She's in her 2nd transfer so I'm her step-mom. This week has been a bit crazy because we've had 3 dying sisters in our house all week and a bunch of newbs coming in and going out to their new areas. But it's been interesting. Tomorrow all of the dead folks go back to their countries. That'll be sad... But I'm happy for them! :)

My camera still isn't recognizing the computer. poop.

Anyways, We had 2 baptisms scheduled fo this past week. 2daughters of a recent convert. The younger one was scared of the water so we are going to try again next week. I wish I could show you their pictures...

Praia is interesting. There are alot of Fogo people here! :D I love Fogo.. haha. OH! So there was this less active named Shuduko that Sister Robinson and I were working with in Sao Filipe.. and as he was starting to try to turn his life around he told us he was going to Praia. Well, I just knew that was
the end of that. Praia has nothing but rapes and shootings. If he was bad in fogo, who knows how bad he could get in Praia. Well Guess what? I saw him. At the church on Saturday. In a white shirt and tie!!! And He has 2 weeks left in his mission prep class and then he and his gf are going to send off their mission papers!!!! He told me, "How is Sister Robinson? You know you both started up the spark of light in my life, and I got here and wasn't going to go to church, but then I remembered that I promised you that I'd go to church, so I did. I didn't go in Sunday clothes, but when I got there Sonia came up to me and talked to me. (Sonia is his gf)"
As a side note, we walked into our baptism's house this week and she was already in there teaching a lesson on baptism to the kids.... She's the Primary President and she is a BOSS.

We had ward counsel on Sunday.... I felt like I was dreaming. The bishop actually helped. Kept things breif and let the missionaries go first so we could leave and teach... AND MEMBERS GIVE US REFERENCES. It's heaven here. I'm so serious. I understand why Pres wants weekly baptisms now.. bc here in Praia, it could be possible. But I feel like its different on the other islands..

Basically, I love it here. I'm happy to be here. Heavenly Father is seriously, the NICEST. :)

Oh and they check the mail twice a week here. So if people want to send me mail.. :) I'd like that!

Love, Sister Buhler

Monday, May 6, 2013

I guess you could tell the folks back home that I'm doing well. Tell them about the stake that has opened up and how Elder Teixeira and Moreira (area 70s) were there.

My testimony grows each day, I'm so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here serving the Lord.

Monday, April 29, 2013

New Stake!

This week.. well. Let's be real, they're all the same. It just seems more stressful lately. I hate stress..

We had Zone Conference this week and that was awesome! President always gives the best trainings. .. and we got mail! :) The sisters from Sal and Santo Antao came again. It's always a crazy party in our house when they come. So many people and all of their things! And it's happenning again this week! Because.......

MINDELO IS BECOMING A STAKE!! YEAHHHHHHH!!! The opening of the 2nd stake in Cabo Verde!!! 2 Area 70's will be here!! I'm so excited!!! And Friday of this week will be a Culture Night with dancing and singing! I'm so excited. :)

Our investigators are frustrating with their schedules. It seems like the people that we are preparing for baptism are never home or always have something come up Sunday morning. Then we get facas about our numbers. Beh. Stress.

On the brighter side, we do manage to have a miracle amount of people to show up for church every week. This week we had 5 again. 2 of which were the elderly mothers of Cesar and Daniel. A member and his friend we are teaching. Daniel is an addict. It's also hard to meet with him. I'm not sure if the mothers are all there... And I know they were baptized Catholic so... who knows.

The Broderick's (the Humanitarian aid missionary couple) are leaving today for America. We helped them clean out their house. I gained FOGO KAMOKA! Yesssss! Delicious!

Other than that, nothing new. Oh. I saw my weight on the Broderick's scale today. THAT is new. But we're not going to talk about it.
Until next week!
Sister Buhler

Ps.My scarf is getting put to good use grandma! Dirt went into my eye and scratched my cornea and it hurt the whole night! So I wrapped it up during daily planning.

Monday, April 22, 2013

This Week!

Well, my week has been a doosey. I can firmly say that I think the Lord is trying to teach me patience. Hahah.

One of our most progressing investigators is Arlindo (He's 22yrs old)... Except he has never gone to church or prayed about the Prophet Joseph. PROBLEM. So since we've been teaching him for 2 months and he keeps all of his other commitments with us, we decided to pull out the big guns and take Ex-President Antunes with us to his house.

Well, we got to the bottom of the problem alright. And President Antunes also offended Arlindo's mother. Oi vey. He was recounting his conversion story about how he taught in the Catholic church and how he learned that the Catholic church was commiting huge sins by baptizing the way they were and he came to understand the truth about the priesthood and baptizing children.. and she heard it and started some VERY audible clothes-folding. Arlindo said he would go to church next week and Pres A offered to stop by on the way to church.. Then Pres A asked the mom's name and she just went OFF! (in what I later learned to be profanities) And she said he wasn't allowed to get baptized in our church. He could go to church, but NOT get baptized while he is under her roof. ...and she now hates us very much.

When we left President Antunes told us we were wasting our time with him. And I'm pretty sure he is no longer going to pass by next week.

I baked cookies and we passed by her house last night and left them with her daughter for her, so I hope the peace offering goes over well. Sister Routson has me paranoid that his mother has a peanut allergy because I made her peanut butter oatmeal cookies. BAH.

Who knows. This area is difficult. bah. Obra missionaria... me mata. hahah. I love serving the Lord. Just waiting for the trails to pass. :P

I gave a talk yesterday in church. About Repenting with Sincerity. I feel like it went over well. Now, if I can only get down public speaking in English... hahaha.

Anyways, we have zone conference this week. Should be good I guess.

Sister Buhler

Monday, April 15, 2013

Silver Lining

This week we had interviews with President. And HOLY. Mine ws a good one. It really gave me alot of direction for the Lord's work here, and some personal direction for my life. I'd go into details, but it's just too much.

Well, to be honest... The work had been really hard this past week. There has been some silver lining to the situations, but I feel like I've been living off the silver lining for so long! So yeah...I wish our members had time for us, and that everyone in Cape Verde weren't Fubekas... and Yep. haha.

Our silver lining of yesterday was that we had 5 investigators go to church. (This means like 7 people who promised to come, didn't) 5 investigators at church is AWESOME. One was a couple we're helping prepare for marriage, another is the son of an inactive we reactivated!, and the other two.. Well, Danielson was drunk. He REEKED of alcohol. And Anilton(I'm not sure of his name), came up to us in the street, and we initially thought him to be a bit crazy, so we told him if he went to church on Sunday we would mark a visit with him there.. I was shocked he came!

But on the brighter side, Danielson doesn't know about the Word of Wisdom yet and Anilton hopefully isn't crazy.. (If you saw his hair you'd know what I mean!)

Anyways, that's all.
Love, Sister Buhler

Monday, April 8, 2013


So wasn't conference awesome?! I think I would have enjoyed it a little better if I hadn't been worried about my investigators coming to conference... I've just been quite the stress ball this weekend. Even in my dreams I'm stressed out! Hahah. Oh life. Anyways,.. Things are going well here. I found alot of help this weekend from Conference. :)

The pictures attached are what people call Kootchee-ing. This little boy is helping his old lady neighbor grind up corn for her goats... So Sister Routson and I helped him. :)

Anyways,... This week is kindof a blur. I don't rememeber anything before conference. Am I going senile?

Arlindo and Shines are hard to find these days. They never are at home. Always running around with friends.. I guess that's what we get for teaching hoodlums. hahaha.

Sister Routson is getting over her cold.. That's good. :)

Also, whenever you break out on your face, people here FREAK OUT and they are like, "WOW, THOSE MOSQUITOS GOT YOU GOOD!" ..and then they point to your face. And then they don't believe you when you say it isn't a mosquito. Oh Cape Verde..

-Sister Buhler

Monday, April 1, 2013


(So sorry for all those who are following Sam's blog, I have slacked the entire month of April. School and work started. I promise it won't happen again. -Vanessa)

So this picture is a bag FILLED with Tamborina. I don't kow what it is in english.. or if I even spelled it right but we got gifted it last night by a family we are teaching.

Monica is a less active that we helped reactivate. I don't know if you can see it, but she made Routson and I flower keychains! (it is sitting beside me in this picture) They're so awesome! She's awesome! :)

Anyways, Life in Fernando Po... It's swell. We were supposed to have a baptism this week, but she didn't come to church today so.. probably next week. It'll probably be better to have it in a week anyways.

So this week we've been trying to focus in on Arlindo and Shines, Alma's friends. Shines agreed on Tuesday to start keeping the Law of Chastity. And well, We found out Thursday that 1.Shines is keeping the Law of Chastity and 2.Shines had been called to the tropa(military). And we were like NOOOOO!! The military?! They'll ruin his progress. The day we found out was the day he was supposed to go, but since he's a slacker for life, didn't go. After that he was going to go some day after that... Well, Saturday night on our way home, WE SAW HIM IN THE STREET! And we were like, Are you not going until Monday? "No, they don't want me anymore." And he was speaking creole and wasn't opening his mouth too good so I didn't understand, but he either said that he didn't score high enough on the exams or they were full... Hahah. Either way he's staying. And keeping the Law of Chastity. :)

Arlindo. Has been keeping all of our commitments except go to church and pray about Joseph Smith. He gave up coffee (that he LOVES) within a week. He started keeping the Law of Chastity the day we taught it (he had 2 girlfriends). So, we decided it was time to pull out the big guns.... The Restoration movie. We arranged for the boys to be able to watch it in a member family's house on Friday and MAN! The spirit! It was so strong. And after the film Arlindo was like, "I'm going to pray TONIGHT. It's important." And then he agreed to go to the activity saturday! (but he didn't end up going, bc he was on the other half of the island and didn't make it back in time)

And... I dunno things are going well. I can't complain. Routson and I are staying together for another transfer. WOOP! And it'll be a party. :)

Hope everyone had a good easter!
Sister Buhler

Monday, March 25, 2013

O Rootsun

Well, It's been a good week. :)

Alma (Real name being Josias, nickname being Djy (sounds like "G"), I'm not sure really why we call him Alma...), got baptized this week. He is the one that looks like Napoleon Dynamite in that baptism suit. hahaha. We're super proud of him. He has other friends preparing to get baptized, but they aren't quite there yet. They all had the same baptism date.. but they are lacking on different places... like keeping certain commandments. Anyways, I'd just like to say we're proud of him. All of his friends went to a weekend party instead of going to his baptism or confirmation. So he went to church alone. We're working really hard to integrate him in the branch.. It's a little hard because not alot of people are his age or live near him.. Alma also quit school before we met him so... that's also a differenciating factor. But it'll all work out.

Helder and Janizia are doing well. This week we made them a box to start putting their get-out-of-debt savings in. We pasted pictures from the Liahona all over it. :) Their little 7yr old is really happy about it. She told her mom, "Wow, those sisters gave us a great idea!" Hahaha.

We took Janizia to the Relief Society birthday party this week... It would had been nice if it was something a bit more social.. It was like a 2hr long program with snacks. She had to leave early too, so she didn't even get around to the mingling part. And some of the slideshows were just scriptures.. or english videos with Portuguese subtitles.... And she can't read. :/

When we got to our area we recieved a reference of a woman named Ana who was learning with the Elders but was super flaky. Well. We teach a girl that lives on the same rooftop as she does. We went up there to teach her, and Ana was there washing her clothes. SERVICE! :) So we helped her finish up what would have taken her 30 minutes in 10! And when we went over to teach that girl, she pulled a chair right up and stayed for the whole lesson! I'm not sure if she'll continue to sit with us, but I hope something touched her heart!

Our new branch President is so funny. His wife is a short, whiter woman from Fogo. And EVERYtime he introduces us to someone, he comments about how his wife is a little woman like me. The word for that is "Picininha" or "picinote". hahah. And then he continues to comment how the Lord makes small women to be really intelligent. hahaha. He gives us a lot of less active member references too. He and his wife are super helpful.

I've started up running again. I like it alot more now than I used to. But we all now my fitness fads come and go. hahaha.

Sister Routson is sick. But she'll be better soon.
And yup... that's it!
Love you all!
Sister Buhler

Monday, March 18, 2013

Elder Patrick Kearon

So this week with Elder Kearon was amazing. We had a zone conference with him, and both sessions of District conference with him. Man. It was awesome.

Well, You remember Helder. Tuesday we payed him a visit with the old BranchPresident. Pres Antunes handed out what we like to call facas. Faca is the portuguese word for Knife. And when you chew some one out or give them a talking to, its called a faca. But they were good facas. Helder even said on the next visit that he really enjoyed the visit with Pres.

Well, Thursday after the zone conference, I went over to his house on divisions with Sister Arlete. And he didn't change anything. He didnt read, or pray, wasnt happy, and still wanted to give up on going to church. Well, I will have you know, I am not a very good faca giver. But let me tell you, I ripped into him. with love... I have never given so many facas in my whole mission life. But I knew it was the right thing to do because the spirit was still there. In the end it was like, "I can't pray for you, or read for you, or get baptized for you. You have to do those things, I honestly am doing everything I can to to help you, but you are the only one standing in the way of you being happy and not depressed. I'm sad for your decision, but more importantly, Heavenly Father is sad that you are rejecting him and His happiness."
When I left I told his wife I'd see her in church, and told him I hoped he'd do what is right. And I walked out thinking, "I've just lost our only investigators that were working towards marriage. Routson's gonna kill me during daily planning."

But Routson went back the next day on divisions, and do you know what? HE READ. HE PRAYED! AND HE SAID HE WAS FEELING BETTER! And when he saw I wasn't there he asked, "Where is the other one?" -She's on divisions today. "Did she tell you what happened?" -Only a little, why what happenned? "Nothing.. I read after she left and I'm doing better."

I sat by them during church on Sunday. He was smiling. So was she. I'm happy. :) Heavenly Father answered prayers(and fasts).

Other than that we are doing all good. There is a picture attached with us and the Sal sisters at district conference.

Routson and I on the longest most deserted road in our area. My vision started hurting so now we wear sunglasses on that road bc no one will see us anyways.

Also, I've included a picture of Nando. A recent convert who make shoes. He is the nicest and helps us out alot. He has the Mec Priesthood now!

Have a great week!

Sis Buhler

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy St. Patty's and Pi Day!

Well, not a whole lot has happened this week. Well, alot has. Just nothing interesting. Sister Routson and I have determined that the smell of the air in Sao Vicente is pretty equivalent to that of dog poop.

We've received alot of references from the old elders that were working in part of our area before. So we're always busy! We have 2 papers with bunches of references from members. This week we'll have 3 extra sets of sisters in our house for a few days. The 4 sisters from Sal will be staying for 4 days. :) I'm excited to see Sister Vanderhorst again. We're going to do divisions those days so I'm super excited to get all the references contacted. :)

We taught Alma and some of his buddies about the word of wisdom this week... his buddy Arlindo wasn't too happy about giving up coffee. And none of them went to church bc they had partied the night before. Well... A kid named China went. Alma didn't go bc he had work. And when we met up with all of them yesterday afternoon. One guy was high off his rocker. We hadn't even taught him about the word of wisdom and he came up to us apologizing. I feel like everybody we met yesterday was on something. I man that smelled like alcohol walked by me in the street and intentionally touched my arm. That type of stuff is kindof bothering.

Um. We have this couple. Helder and Janizia. They are amazing. But I think Helder is depressed. He says he sits in church and his head is in the clouds and he can't concentrate. He says that he can't be like that. He heard somebody in church yesterday say that they were gone from the church for a few years and came back.. and for some reason he picked that to be the thing he listened to. He says he knows the church is true, he loves the church, but one day he will come back. When he is not in debt and he can afford his wedding. We told him he has to continue for one more week bc the Area 70 is coming this week and he'll regret it. So.. If you got room for him in your prayers, he needs it.

Other than that, things are good. I don't know what to tell..

No pictures because there hasn't been anything fun or interesting.
maybe next week.
Love, Sister Buhler

Monday, March 4, 2013


Well, this week has been really nice. Being in a new area (that just split branches) is tough, but I really like our branch. We had the blessing to be able to get to know more couples in our branch this Sunday that can help some of the families we are teaching. We were pretty thankful for them. The most of the members here in Mindelo have actually been in the church for quite a number of years. It's really funny because alot of them remind me of people from my home ward in America! :) There is a couple yesterday that does nothing on Sunday, but church meetings and visits to people that they didn't see in church or inactives... They are amazing. They showed us around to a number of houses yesterday.. It was super nice of them! :)

Our Branch Presidency changed this week. Now we have President Fortes. But President Antunes showed us ALL around our area after the branch split this week. It was super charitable of him especially since he's a busy branch president, he had just gotten home from work that night and he probably wanted to relax and enjoy dinner. But nope, he gave that up to walk all around the limits of our new HUGE area. And on the way he showed houses of members and lessactives... and references! :) Everyone loves a good reference!

There are lots of things I learned about President Antunes during that hour and a half... First I would like to say that we estimate him to be 6'2".. Also. He has a shaved head. And is built like Vin Deisel. A little bit darker skin tone than Vin... hahaha. Ok here is what I learned:
-He is a carpenter. He picked up the profession from his father. He's always been boss at it. He went to school but he didnt learn much new... He also made all of the furniture in his house. (its nice furniture)
-He likes to ride bicycles. (We saw him this morning riding one, In fact.)
- He is a karate instructor. He's won tournaments. He's going to Nigeria for a tournament soon.
-He was a teacher in the Catholic church, but 9 years ago he found the gospel and left. :)
-He used to scuba dive, but not anymore.
-He collects seashells.

One day, I'd like to be Pres. A... but I'll never be 6'2".. or buff. Hahaha.

On the 14th we have a 70 coming. Elder Kearon... Yepp. There is quite a big buzz about that going on here.

We have had a lot of families this week promise that they will be at church next week. (Less actives and investigators) so... I hope they stick to their word!

We have an investigator Alma.. that is AMAZING. He's been at church (I think) 4 consecutive Sundays. And this Sunday he showed up without his friends.. His friends are all the gangster type.. The "do nothing bc it's cool" gang... and he acts like that too. But you can tell deep down he wants it. He just doesn't know how to act outside of the environment and friends he knows... I'm excited for him to be baptized. :) We have a date marked for his baptism but we'll probably move it up.

Other than that, we're good. Mindelo is cool. It's a real city. and by real city, I mean my toes are freezing bc this place has AIR CONDITIONING! :) Hahaha.

Also, question: Does America have "Lion" candy bars? They're delicious.

Welp. That's all.
-Sister Buhler

Monday, February 25, 2013


So I got transferred. Transfer calls came on Wednesday. I left Fogo on Friday, and arrived in Sao Vicente friday night... My comp got here Saturday morning. And the branch we were in split on Sunday. Hahaha. So It's been alot. Learning area limits.. Relearning area limits. Finding investigators... The area book not actually being kept up. I love white washing!

But other than that it's been pretty nice. Sister Routson and I are comps! We are working in the area of Fernando Po, Mindelo. We found CREAM CHEESE on Saturday! We were quite happy about that.

Leaving Fogo was sad. Tuesday night we were in a lesson with Kaka.. and he said that one of us.. or both of us.. needs to be his madrinha... for his wedding... because he has decided to GET MARRIED!!!! YEAHHHH. Except.. Now I can't be it. Because I'm in Sao Vincente. SAD. Super sad. I miss Fogo.

Also, my recent convert Rute got married on Tuesday! :D To a really strong member of the branch and so now they are just an amazing power couple because they obeyed the law of chastity! :D I was so proud of her. We went over to her house on monday and helped her out with some cakes. man. She had a PAR-TY. We taught, but we swung by in between lessons for some food. :)

Um... What else.. It's rather cold here in Sao Vicente. Actually, the sun is hot. It's windy. and the inside of our 4th floor apartment is pretty cold. I've actually been using a jacket! Weird!

I've walked SO MUCH HERE.. It's an actual city. It has a bus system. But where we work isn't in the city anymore. But it is still just as spread out. The Elders told us that we have an investigator that lives and hour away on foot. I haven't met him yet.. but he wasn't at church on Sunday.

The 2 branches were divided into 3... But there are still only 2 sets of missionaries here. So we have to finish teaching someone in branch 2 and baptize them this week. It's crazy.

Everyone in the mission is supposed to find 10 new investigators and mark baptism dates with them this week.. Basically.. my head might explode.

But I hear a 70 should be coming in a few weeks. yay!

And if you were wondering about the creole. It's different. Way different. I understand it. But it's weird. And the portuguese here sounds different too.

Until next week! Sister Buhler

Monday, February 18, 2013

Carnaval...Vday...poop numbers

So.. There was a lot of crazy this week. I don't really know what's important.. More like, I don't have that much good news...

Helena got baptized. She and Domingos got married Friday, but then got married in the church and baptized on Saturday. She's a sweetheart. I told her she could step down on the steps to watch her husband get baptized and she started laughing HYSTERICALLY. hahah. I think it's probably so funny bc she doesn't really talk. Super shy. But she definitely enjoyed it. :)

My old investigator Daniela got baptized this week! Man. I was so happy for her! She was too. She's been prepared for a long time and now, after 2 and a half transfers of just waiting... She is a member. :) It was an awesome baptismal service.

Joao is doing awesome. He is chewing gum like CRAZY! He stopped smoking on Friday, and is going so strong!! He attended the baptism this weekend and was doing great at church on Sunday. We talked to him yesterday and he was like, "I think church is good... I feel really happy.. do they have activities everyday?" hahaha. man.

Transfers might be coming early this week.... Bc Sister Fehoko is going to Brava on the 20 or 21st.. sooooo... who knows. But everyone thinks I'm out bc I've been here for 9 months. Who knows at this point? Not me!

Um... Another old investigator of mine should be getting baptized this Saturday.. Iolanda. But we'll see if I'll be here!

Carnaval was crazy.. nobody does anything for valentines here... and Serdar was sick a day this week.

Also, my recent convert Rute is getting married tomorrow!! Hooray!!

That's all.

Sister Buhler

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oriana and Djony.

Well, This week has gone well. Oriana and Djony got baptized and we had another zone conference.

The zone conference was cool and president and sister oliveira came with us to teach a few lessons.

Yesterday was kindof a pooper. There were some silver linings, but we only had 3 folks at church. 3 from the 6 ladies we teach out of town and none from here in the city. Kindof a bummer. It's because of all the parties leading up to carnaval. Carnaval will be this tuesday. We have to be in our house at 6. I'm kindof glad about it. Yesterday was hard to find people to teach because there a carnaval practice dance parties everynight. and whole streets are blocked off by mobs. But.. It's all good. I'll stay home and journal and read! Finally! :)

Sister Serdar and I are doing fine. This next transfer 2 new Islands will open up. E.Cruz dos Santos will open up Boa Vista and Sister Fehoko will open up Brava. And Sal is going to become its own zone! With boa vista. I also heard Sal will have a new area open up for Sisters. Also, 26 inter-island travel plans have been bought... It's kindof cool knowing tid-bits of transfers. E. Cruz dos Santos is an AP right now... He gave me a look like I'm leaving. Who does he think he is? hhahaha.

Other than that. Joao came to the baptism of Oriana and Djony. :) He was super excited about getting baptized! He told us he is going to quit smoking completely monday! (thats today :) )

I'm so happy for Oriana and Djony. Deolinda (Oriana's and Manuel's mom) needs to get married so she can get baptized... But her man Francisco needs to get divorced from his old woman in Praia first. Bahhhh. But Deolinda is super happy that her family is entering into the right path. Only one left! Ju!:)

Not sure what else to say..
Love Sister Buhler

Monday, February 4, 2013

Carnaval is coming

Well, I don´t have too much to report this week.. My mini missionary Neusa is leaving for Portugal today. It's sad saying goodbye.

Well, I can talk about Manuel and Djony! Djony is Manuel´s friend that will be baptized this week. His mom was baptized 10yrs ago in Cova Figueira and we're trying to reactivate her. I also taught his brother Dany about 6 or so months ago. Manuel´s and Djony´s families are actually related! And neighbors!

Anyways, So we´re working really hard completing these two families and getting them active in the church. We brought Oriana (Manuel's sister) to Family night and she didn´t want to go at first but afterwards she told us that she really liked it!! :D

After family night we went over to Djony's house to teach him with Manuel. It was HILARIOUS. We were teaching him about the word of wisdom and Manuel leaned over to Sister Serdar and was like, "Have you asked him about Joseph Smith?" -Yeah. "What did he say?" -He got an answer.. but you can ask him again if you want to. Then Manuel gets a serious look on his face. (Keep in mind, Manuel is 11yrs old and Djony is 14) "did you pray about Joseph Smith?" -Yes. "And did you receive an answer?" -Yes. "How did you feel?" -I felt good. I felt really happy in my heart. I felt that he was a prophet. Oh man. I could have died. Little Elder Oliveira. His face we so serious. At the end of the lesson he turned to Djony and was like, " Can we end with a prayer? Will you give it? Can we kneel?" HAHA. I'm telling you. Missionary work is so pleasing.

That night Manuel gave Sister Serdar and I english hallographic halloween cards. Super funny. We went over there another night and he and Djony were playing the missionary game in the back of the Liahona. And there were two sister missionaries... One had blonde hair and one had brown. It's us! Hahaha. man. we love their families so much.

OH! Great story, So last Sunday, we were walking to an appointment and we saw a woman I knew(sorta) from Branch 1's area. I felt like I should talk to her but she was busy, so we decided that if our appointment wasn't there, we would go back. well, he wasn't! So we went back only to find that she was walking away. Then with us in a pickle, we turned to our planners to se our plan B's. But there was a man in the house next to where we were standing staring at us. And not just looking, but he was watching a soccer game, but was leaned ALL OVER in his chair turned around to look at us.
Serdar...what do we do now?
Buhler.. I don´t know but that man is staring at us.
S.. Where? *pretending to look at our planners*
B.. There.
S.. Oh. That's Weird.
B.. Yep.
S.. Is he still staring?
B.. Yep.
S.. ...Still
B.. Yep.
S.. Do you think we should talk to him?
B.. I don't know but he's not looking anymore.
S.. K good. *Intently trying to decide where to go*
Joao.. (turned back around) AMERICANAS?

Welp. That was a slap to the face. Haha. We had our first visit with him and he had questions about what he could and couldnt eat and do. So, we taught the word of wisdom and invited him to baptism. And he accepted. And came to church on his own this Sunday. Before he met us, he had given up hard liquor. Since this past Thursday, he no longer drinks wine, or coffee, and he has been decreasing his cigarrette intake. I am completely and utterly amazed by him. We met his family last night and all of them acted like he used to be really involved in alot of bad things. I'm so glad Heavenly Father led him to us. :) If things run well, 23rd of February, he'll be baptized! :D

Anyways, that is everything interesting. No pictures this week.
Next week for sure!
Sister Buhler

Monday, January 28, 2013

It's the end of the month and we're broke. broke. broke.

How has everyone's week been? Mine's been great. Thanks for asking.

-Our weekly planning session this week.
-Nela's baptism from a bit ago.
-Me eating a mollusk! (I think.)

Anyways. Things have been going quite good for Buhler and Serdar lately. When I say quite good, I really mean we had 13 investigators in church Sunday. And if you are about to pee your pants with excitement about that, Well, You just don't know the half of it!

We are really, really, really, really, really, really, blessed by the Lord. we have awesome families that we are teaching and we are just having so much fun! It just feels so good to be teaching these people and watch the gospel change their lives!

I really wish I could go into detail about all of them, but my hour limit doesn't permit!

One day this week, we had planned the night before to ask Rute(my recent convert) to teach with us. Well, I was a fubeka and never called her. The Lord was SO merciful to us that be made the 3pm & 4pm appointments occupied & told us to "come back in a few minutes" so that we could walk over to Rute's house where she was convieniently DOING NOTHING. :) And then she bore SUPER SUPER good testimony that really helped our investigators. I'm glad that Lord gives us 2nd chances.
Another interesting thing about Rute is that she has moved from Branch1 where she was baptized to Branch 2. RIGHT in the middle of a circle of our investigators that she can help! She is like, the perfect person for them! I'm telling you... Heavenly Father is a mysterious fella.

Other than that... Well.. I think it was Thursday or Friday. I was thinking to myself during personal study, "It's been a while since we've hade Zone conference.. It's a good thing I've never had to give a training. I don't want to... EVER." Later on that day We were knocking on an investigator's door and we got a text that informed us about zone conference this Tuesday. 5 minutes later we recieved a call,.. they want us to give a training. ...What poop.

It's supposed to be on making inspired goals.. and acheiving them through key indicators... I was like, you people have to be kidding me... Then they said it's because we have the best goal acheivement in the zone. I'm not sure if its true, but I guess it must be.

It's been a good week. Nothing in specifics.. but it really was probably one of the bests week I've had in my mission. Oh. And I hit a year. My housemates made me a cake. :)

That's all I got.
Til later!
-Sister Buhler

Monday, January 21, 2013

Well...No pictures

Well. It has been a long week. Nela and Claudino are married! Nela is also baptized! And Now they are working on getting Claudino worthy to go to the temple!!!! :D It was really cool because we went to their house last night and the spirit in their house is so different! It is so peaceful... and loving... and not hectic. Even though there were their 5 kids and 2 neighbor kids!

We have really great families we are working with. We are trying to work on completing part member families so that more families can be united in church and support one another... and go to the temple. :) [Who doesn't want to go to the temple?!] We're working alot with Manuel's family. His mom is amazing. She wants to do what is right. I don't think she understands portuguese alot though. Hahah. But we are workign with his 2 sisters Ju & Oriana.

Oriana is 20yrs old. We had an AMAZING LESSON with her on Saturday. Man. The room was just so full of the spirit! We knew she had been taught a long time ago so we were reteaching the 1st lesson. Do you know what? She had prayed about Joseph Smith 10 years prior and had a baptism date marked on March 14, 2003. SHE REMEMBERS HER BAPTISM DATE FROM 10 YEARS AGO. She told us, "When I first prayed about Joseph Smith, I felt completely different. And because of that I wanted to be baptized. The Sisters told me I could be baptized on March 14, 2003.. But then they left and never came back to finish teaching me." ..... WHAT!? Aren't you continually amazed at the Lord's hand? I know I am.

There are alot of less-actives that we pass when our lessons fall. And its really helping I think. This week, we had about under 80 folks at church.

Our Family from Ponta Verde wants to wait and be baptized when their dad and brother come back from portugal so they can all be baptized together. Soooo... That will be postponed. But they all have such strong testimonies. It's amazing. This week we gained another investigator from them. The woman of Domingos. They shipped her from Praia and now we're teaching her because they want to get her baptized and they wanna get married!!!! The best part is, that ever since she has been here, she has been sleeping in the house with the women and Domingos sleeps in his house alone. Because they want to keep the commandments. Is your heart melting? They have probably already been living together their whole lives and are going to be married soon, but holy cow. I hope all of you are impressed. I know I was. :)

Other than that, I have really been seeking to become a better servant of the Savior. I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to be the servant that I want to be. I'm 4 days be hind in my Journal and probably a few transfers worth behind in my BOM reading. But what needs to be done is getting done I guess. :)

Anyways,.. That's it!
TCHAU! -Sister Buhler

Monday, January 7, 2013

Xintchiroti is spending half her mission in Sao Filipe!

So for my family that was wondering how my birthday went, it was good. I had a cake at home. Then we went out and Sister Serdar's recent convert Tony and our investigator made me a cake and threw me a little surprise party. And another investigator insisted that we eat her cake too. Basically, it was a rough day for my tummy. Hahaha.

Um. Well, so last week everyone had interviews with President Oliveira.. including the Branch presidents. Pres O told President Gomes in his interview, Yeah that's great that sister Buhler has been helping you with the Choir, but I'm moving her off the island next transfer. Well, needless to say I was a bit sad. I started packing, and telling everyone goodbye...

You know what they say, "The more pictures you take, the more people you tell that you are going, the more likely it is that you will stay." Well. Wouldn't you know it. I'M STAYING! Which is AWESOME! Because we're going to have our first wedding tomorrow morning at 11am! :D And I get to see my other recent convert get married! And I get to continue teaching the investigators I love! And I get to baptize our miracle family from Ponta Verde! And I get to stay with Sister Serdar! AND.. This means I will have spent a half of my mission on the same island in the same city. 9 months! Whoop whoop! I'm officially the oldest missionary on the island. I'm super happy about it!

As for the past week, I'm not too what has been new? I don't know! It's just been a couple of good weeks! OH! Manuel got baptized last week! He's such a cute thing. Sister Serdar gave him tie and I gave him a CTR ring. :) He's an awesome kid.

This week we had 9 investigators in church. Our 5 women from Ponta Verde, Nela (gettin married tomorrow!), Sandra (a mom we've been working with alot), Doelinda (Mom of Manuel), and Rito. Rito has been a bit tough. Trying to get him to open up about his problems... About why he won't pray and stuff. But I pulled the "I'm leaving" card. SO HE CAME! So now he's progressing! Heavenly Father is awesomeee! So yeah. It's been a good week. And it'll be an even awesomer transfer. :)

If you were wondering about last week's one photo.. My housemates all made me breakfast in bed for my birthday. :) Aren't they the best?! So this week I'm including the cake we made at home.. Manuel's baptism.. and a random picture of me with some people I love (because I thought I was leaving! Hahaha. They are from Branch 1)