Monday, March 25, 2013

O Rootsun

Well, It's been a good week. :)

Alma (Real name being Josias, nickname being Djy (sounds like "G"), I'm not sure really why we call him Alma...), got baptized this week. He is the one that looks like Napoleon Dynamite in that baptism suit. hahaha. We're super proud of him. He has other friends preparing to get baptized, but they aren't quite there yet. They all had the same baptism date.. but they are lacking on different places... like keeping certain commandments. Anyways, I'd just like to say we're proud of him. All of his friends went to a weekend party instead of going to his baptism or confirmation. So he went to church alone. We're working really hard to integrate him in the branch.. It's a little hard because not alot of people are his age or live near him.. Alma also quit school before we met him so... that's also a differenciating factor. But it'll all work out.

Helder and Janizia are doing well. This week we made them a box to start putting their get-out-of-debt savings in. We pasted pictures from the Liahona all over it. :) Their little 7yr old is really happy about it. She told her mom, "Wow, those sisters gave us a great idea!" Hahaha.

We took Janizia to the Relief Society birthday party this week... It would had been nice if it was something a bit more social.. It was like a 2hr long program with snacks. She had to leave early too, so she didn't even get around to the mingling part. And some of the slideshows were just scriptures.. or english videos with Portuguese subtitles.... And she can't read. :/

When we got to our area we recieved a reference of a woman named Ana who was learning with the Elders but was super flaky. Well. We teach a girl that lives on the same rooftop as she does. We went up there to teach her, and Ana was there washing her clothes. SERVICE! :) So we helped her finish up what would have taken her 30 minutes in 10! And when we went over to teach that girl, she pulled a chair right up and stayed for the whole lesson! I'm not sure if she'll continue to sit with us, but I hope something touched her heart!

Our new branch President is so funny. His wife is a short, whiter woman from Fogo. And EVERYtime he introduces us to someone, he comments about how his wife is a little woman like me. The word for that is "Picininha" or "picinote". hahah. And then he continues to comment how the Lord makes small women to be really intelligent. hahaha. He gives us a lot of less active member references too. He and his wife are super helpful.

I've started up running again. I like it alot more now than I used to. But we all now my fitness fads come and go. hahaha.

Sister Routson is sick. But she'll be better soon.
And yup... that's it!
Love you all!
Sister Buhler

Monday, March 18, 2013

Elder Patrick Kearon

So this week with Elder Kearon was amazing. We had a zone conference with him, and both sessions of District conference with him. Man. It was awesome.

Well, You remember Helder. Tuesday we payed him a visit with the old BranchPresident. Pres Antunes handed out what we like to call facas. Faca is the portuguese word for Knife. And when you chew some one out or give them a talking to, its called a faca. But they were good facas. Helder even said on the next visit that he really enjoyed the visit with Pres.

Well, Thursday after the zone conference, I went over to his house on divisions with Sister Arlete. And he didn't change anything. He didnt read, or pray, wasnt happy, and still wanted to give up on going to church. Well, I will have you know, I am not a very good faca giver. But let me tell you, I ripped into him. with love... I have never given so many facas in my whole mission life. But I knew it was the right thing to do because the spirit was still there. In the end it was like, "I can't pray for you, or read for you, or get baptized for you. You have to do those things, I honestly am doing everything I can to to help you, but you are the only one standing in the way of you being happy and not depressed. I'm sad for your decision, but more importantly, Heavenly Father is sad that you are rejecting him and His happiness."
When I left I told his wife I'd see her in church, and told him I hoped he'd do what is right. And I walked out thinking, "I've just lost our only investigators that were working towards marriage. Routson's gonna kill me during daily planning."

But Routson went back the next day on divisions, and do you know what? HE READ. HE PRAYED! AND HE SAID HE WAS FEELING BETTER! And when he saw I wasn't there he asked, "Where is the other one?" -She's on divisions today. "Did she tell you what happened?" -Only a little, why what happenned? "Nothing.. I read after she left and I'm doing better."

I sat by them during church on Sunday. He was smiling. So was she. I'm happy. :) Heavenly Father answered prayers(and fasts).

Other than that we are doing all good. There is a picture attached with us and the Sal sisters at district conference.

Routson and I on the longest most deserted road in our area. My vision started hurting so now we wear sunglasses on that road bc no one will see us anyways.

Also, I've included a picture of Nando. A recent convert who make shoes. He is the nicest and helps us out alot. He has the Mec Priesthood now!

Have a great week!

Sis Buhler

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy St. Patty's and Pi Day!

Well, not a whole lot has happened this week. Well, alot has. Just nothing interesting. Sister Routson and I have determined that the smell of the air in Sao Vicente is pretty equivalent to that of dog poop.

We've received alot of references from the old elders that were working in part of our area before. So we're always busy! We have 2 papers with bunches of references from members. This week we'll have 3 extra sets of sisters in our house for a few days. The 4 sisters from Sal will be staying for 4 days. :) I'm excited to see Sister Vanderhorst again. We're going to do divisions those days so I'm super excited to get all the references contacted. :)

We taught Alma and some of his buddies about the word of wisdom this week... his buddy Arlindo wasn't too happy about giving up coffee. And none of them went to church bc they had partied the night before. Well... A kid named China went. Alma didn't go bc he had work. And when we met up with all of them yesterday afternoon. One guy was high off his rocker. We hadn't even taught him about the word of wisdom and he came up to us apologizing. I feel like everybody we met yesterday was on something. I man that smelled like alcohol walked by me in the street and intentionally touched my arm. That type of stuff is kindof bothering.

Um. We have this couple. Helder and Janizia. They are amazing. But I think Helder is depressed. He says he sits in church and his head is in the clouds and he can't concentrate. He says that he can't be like that. He heard somebody in church yesterday say that they were gone from the church for a few years and came back.. and for some reason he picked that to be the thing he listened to. He says he knows the church is true, he loves the church, but one day he will come back. When he is not in debt and he can afford his wedding. We told him he has to continue for one more week bc the Area 70 is coming this week and he'll regret it. So.. If you got room for him in your prayers, he needs it.

Other than that, things are good. I don't know what to tell..

No pictures because there hasn't been anything fun or interesting.
maybe next week.
Love, Sister Buhler

Monday, March 4, 2013


Well, this week has been really nice. Being in a new area (that just split branches) is tough, but I really like our branch. We had the blessing to be able to get to know more couples in our branch this Sunday that can help some of the families we are teaching. We were pretty thankful for them. The most of the members here in Mindelo have actually been in the church for quite a number of years. It's really funny because alot of them remind me of people from my home ward in America! :) There is a couple yesterday that does nothing on Sunday, but church meetings and visits to people that they didn't see in church or inactives... They are amazing. They showed us around to a number of houses yesterday.. It was super nice of them! :)

Our Branch Presidency changed this week. Now we have President Fortes. But President Antunes showed us ALL around our area after the branch split this week. It was super charitable of him especially since he's a busy branch president, he had just gotten home from work that night and he probably wanted to relax and enjoy dinner. But nope, he gave that up to walk all around the limits of our new HUGE area. And on the way he showed houses of members and lessactives... and references! :) Everyone loves a good reference!

There are lots of things I learned about President Antunes during that hour and a half... First I would like to say that we estimate him to be 6'2".. Also. He has a shaved head. And is built like Vin Deisel. A little bit darker skin tone than Vin... hahaha. Ok here is what I learned:
-He is a carpenter. He picked up the profession from his father. He's always been boss at it. He went to school but he didnt learn much new... He also made all of the furniture in his house. (its nice furniture)
-He likes to ride bicycles. (We saw him this morning riding one, In fact.)
- He is a karate instructor. He's won tournaments. He's going to Nigeria for a tournament soon.
-He was a teacher in the Catholic church, but 9 years ago he found the gospel and left. :)
-He used to scuba dive, but not anymore.
-He collects seashells.

One day, I'd like to be Pres. A... but I'll never be 6'2".. or buff. Hahaha.

On the 14th we have a 70 coming. Elder Kearon... Yepp. There is quite a big buzz about that going on here.

We have had a lot of families this week promise that they will be at church next week. (Less actives and investigators) so... I hope they stick to their word!

We have an investigator Alma.. that is AMAZING. He's been at church (I think) 4 consecutive Sundays. And this Sunday he showed up without his friends.. His friends are all the gangster type.. The "do nothing bc it's cool" gang... and he acts like that too. But you can tell deep down he wants it. He just doesn't know how to act outside of the environment and friends he knows... I'm excited for him to be baptized. :) We have a date marked for his baptism but we'll probably move it up.

Other than that, we're good. Mindelo is cool. It's a real city. and by real city, I mean my toes are freezing bc this place has AIR CONDITIONING! :) Hahaha.

Also, question: Does America have "Lion" candy bars? They're delicious.

Welp. That's all.
-Sister Buhler