Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ternas Misericordias (Tender Mercies) August 27, 2012

So I don't remember if I said anything about Igor in an email, but let me give you a little background on him. He is an investigator that we received when we FIRST got here to Fogo. Took us forever to help him realize that he needs to be baptized and FINALLY after a few weeks he was like, Yeah, I need to be baptized. We took him to get an interview and in the interview he said he didn't want to get baptized anymore. It was super sad because we had worked for a long time with him. We continued to pass by like once every week to see how he was doing. And this week, a little less than 2 months later HE GOT BAPTIZED! Wanna know why? Let me tell you.

Well, last Monday my companion and I were on the road walking to a Family Home Evening that we had planned. We had plans to stop by his house and another investigators on the way. When all of a sudden I felt the need to invite a less active to go with us. He wasn't exactly on the way. In fact, we had to completely turn around and go into a different zone to get him. And on top of that, the last 2 times we tried to visit him he was never home. But you know, if the spirit's talking, you gotta listen. So we turned around to go get him and WHAT DO YOU KNOW, he's home! And had nothing to do and was SUPER excited to go with us! And the whole night he helped Igor find scriptures during the lesson, he introduced Igor to people and made him feel welcome. Towards the end of the night one of the members turned to me and was like Is Igor getting baptized this weekend? I was like, I dunno. Ask him. Then I turn to look at Igor and he has the HUGEST smile on his face and he's shaking his head up and down. AH! And what do you know, Saturday he was baptized. :)

The picture of me with a little girl getting baptized, that wasn't from our area, but she's an old investigator from the other area. He name is Clarice. Clarice couldn't get baptized because of her family situation. Last transfer she came up to me saying, "I'm not going to church anymore. I don't want any of this!" I gave her a hug as she started to cry and told her that it was just a trial and that she needed to stay strong and that I knew that Heavenly Father loved her so much. She came RUNNING up to me in the street 2 weeks ago, "BUHLER BUHLER! Eu vou batizar proxima semana!!" AHHH. I'm so happy for her. :)

As for news from this week, my companion's grandma died Saturday. So she went back to her city Sunday to be with her family, but she's back today. I passed Sunday with my friend Lu as my companion. Lu is leaving for a mission in Brazil soon. :) It was alot of fun. :)

ALSO! My companion and I made Cachupa this week! MMMMM. Delicious!

It's been raining alot this week. Which is super awesome because it means that we occasionally get cooled off when we're walking or it'll be alot colder at night. :) I love the rain!

AND everyone should be happy to know my companion is teaching me alot of creole. We have a wall in our kitchen where we write portuguese words for the greenie in our house. There is currently a creole translation square! But sometimes we doodle... I attached a picture of the doodles.

Anyways, thats it for this week! I hope all is well over there! I haven't heard anything about it yet, but Gator football should be starting up soon right? Someone should keep me updated on that. :)

Love, Sister Buhler

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I'm a mom to a mini! August 20, 2012

So Sister Gomes left Fogo yesterday. She'll be home soon! And I recieved a mini missionary! Sister Silva! I was already friends from her from last transfer and now she's my companion!! I'm very excited to have her. She's really dedicated to the work, which is super great because that means we can work super hard and accomplish alot! :) I'm also excited to have a filha! Hooray posterity! hahaha.

This past Thursday we threw a dance for the branch. It was alot of fun and alot of people showed up. :) Hahahah. These people are hilarious when it comes to dancing. I really wanted to rip of my tag and start dancing, but I didn't. haha. One more year and I'll be able to bust some moves!

So Thursday and Friday I had a TERRIBLE stomach ache. Which is dumb because I'm never weak in the stomach. I thought I was developing a milk allergy like some folks do on the mission.. but nope not a milk allergy. A fish allergy. Wanna know how I know its a fish allergy? Because I broke out in hives at 1am Friday night. I thought a swarm of mosquitos was eating me alive! I had to hop out of bed, take a cold shower, rub benedryl itch relief cream ALL OVER, and I slept with the ice pack from our freezer in my bed. One of the worst nights ever. hahaha. But apparently its the fish I ate those two days. My companion says it was "Serra." Alls I Knows is that I ain't eating that fish again. hahaha.

So we had the baptism of Djoni and Victor this week. I love baptisms. We're working on reactivating Djoni's family. They're some really nice people. :)

Apparently, there are some problems with companionships in the mission... Because president asked all of us to fast and repent. Hahah. I love my comp, but I hope everyone else is getting better!

Also, our district went to the beach today for pday. It was alot of fun. And I was FINALLY able to play soccer!! YESSS! It was alot of fun. I also made pizza today because it's our member friend, Lu's birthday! :) MMM.

Anyways, that's all that is interesting this week!
Sister Buhler

Zone Conference Delayyy August 13, 2012

So sorry this letter is super delayed, but we had zone conference yesterday and so pday is today!

We didnt have any baptisms this week, but one of our investigators in our old area before the division got baptized! Danny!

Anyways, there isn't a whole lot new about this week. We have been on a mad hunt for new investigators. But with zone conference yesterday, MAN! I am so pumped to find more. It's all about listening to the spirit, ya know? After we left zone conference yesterday, I felt like I was walking with new eyeballs. We contacted a kid with a busted up foot from a motorcycle accident. He's really nice. I have a good feeling about him. We'll see. :)

Other than that... we had some other sisters stay at our house last night. Man. I love people from Mozambique. hahahaa. They are funny.

My companion is leaving this upcoming Sunday before church. She's going back to Portugal. SOOO I'll be getting a new comp soon. I tried to see if President was going to tell me yesterday at Zone Conference... Nada. Hahaha. He's a smart man. Honestly, my mission president is one of the most powerful men I know. He's awesome. I'm really lucky to be in this mission.

We had the blessing this week to contact a whole house of inactive members who are keeping most of the commandments! The mom (she's not married) and her 2 kids and nephew went to church. MAN! It felt really good to walk with a family to church. :)

Anyways, other than that I'm in good health. No funny stories. Maybe next week.
Love Sister buhler

Thursday, August 9, 2012

FOGO! August 6, 2012

Well, last week when were still working in 2 branches, we made the goal of 2 baptisms-one for each area. So when we got assigned to Branch1, we had a goal of one baptism... Guess how many we had? FOUR! HA! YES! THAT! IS! RIGHT! :) We already had Fabio prepared for baptism and then old investigators of different missionaries in the past just CAME OUT OF THE WOODWORKS! It was amazing! I'm not sure why they weren't baptized before, but holy moley. So Raul (nickname-Psico), Edmilson, Edmilson (is really named Adilson), and Fabio were baptized!! :D We had marked 2 of them for baptism next week but they insisted that they wanted to be baptized this week and that they'd meet with us everyday to prepare. I'm telling you. It's just SO true that the Lord is preparing the hearts of these people. :) It's a great time to be a missionary!

So other than that.. Not a whole lot has been going on. Alot of preparation for baptisms. Alot of sweating. hahaha. I got mail this week! And I should be getting some in the upcoming week if anyone is interested in writing me a letter. haha.

OH! So apparently there is a video on youtube about the Cape Verde Mission about the 1st Stake that opened in April here. I watched it and HOLY MOLEY. If you haven't watched it--you should. It's a PERFECT description of our mission. And by the looks of it, before I leave my mission I will be able to see the opening of the 2nd and 3rd stakes here! One in Sao Vincente and one in FOGO!! :) YEAHHH!

Oh! And everyone in my branch, They can say Buhler.. correctly! :) I feel really special that they took the time to learn it. I really feel at home here with our branch. They're super nice. :)

I've included pictures of the baptism and a lovely view of the horizon.. You can see Brava in the picture.. But I guess that'll have to wait.
Until next week!
Sister Buhler