Monday, February 25, 2013


So I got transferred. Transfer calls came on Wednesday. I left Fogo on Friday, and arrived in Sao Vicente friday night... My comp got here Saturday morning. And the branch we were in split on Sunday. Hahaha. So It's been alot. Learning area limits.. Relearning area limits. Finding investigators... The area book not actually being kept up. I love white washing!

But other than that it's been pretty nice. Sister Routson and I are comps! We are working in the area of Fernando Po, Mindelo. We found CREAM CHEESE on Saturday! We were quite happy about that.

Leaving Fogo was sad. Tuesday night we were in a lesson with Kaka.. and he said that one of us.. or both of us.. needs to be his madrinha... for his wedding... because he has decided to GET MARRIED!!!! YEAHHHH. Except.. Now I can't be it. Because I'm in Sao Vincente. SAD. Super sad. I miss Fogo.

Also, my recent convert Rute got married on Tuesday! :D To a really strong member of the branch and so now they are just an amazing power couple because they obeyed the law of chastity! :D I was so proud of her. We went over to her house on monday and helped her out with some cakes. man. She had a PAR-TY. We taught, but we swung by in between lessons for some food. :)

Um... What else.. It's rather cold here in Sao Vicente. Actually, the sun is hot. It's windy. and the inside of our 4th floor apartment is pretty cold. I've actually been using a jacket! Weird!

I've walked SO MUCH HERE.. It's an actual city. It has a bus system. But where we work isn't in the city anymore. But it is still just as spread out. The Elders told us that we have an investigator that lives and hour away on foot. I haven't met him yet.. but he wasn't at church on Sunday.

The 2 branches were divided into 3... But there are still only 2 sets of missionaries here. So we have to finish teaching someone in branch 2 and baptize them this week. It's crazy.

Everyone in the mission is supposed to find 10 new investigators and mark baptism dates with them this week.. Basically.. my head might explode.

But I hear a 70 should be coming in a few weeks. yay!

And if you were wondering about the creole. It's different. Way different. I understand it. But it's weird. And the portuguese here sounds different too.

Until next week! Sister Buhler

Monday, February 18, 2013

Carnaval...Vday...poop numbers

So.. There was a lot of crazy this week. I don't really know what's important.. More like, I don't have that much good news...

Helena got baptized. She and Domingos got married Friday, but then got married in the church and baptized on Saturday. She's a sweetheart. I told her she could step down on the steps to watch her husband get baptized and she started laughing HYSTERICALLY. hahah. I think it's probably so funny bc she doesn't really talk. Super shy. But she definitely enjoyed it. :)

My old investigator Daniela got baptized this week! Man. I was so happy for her! She was too. She's been prepared for a long time and now, after 2 and a half transfers of just waiting... She is a member. :) It was an awesome baptismal service.

Joao is doing awesome. He is chewing gum like CRAZY! He stopped smoking on Friday, and is going so strong!! He attended the baptism this weekend and was doing great at church on Sunday. We talked to him yesterday and he was like, "I think church is good... I feel really happy.. do they have activities everyday?" hahaha. man.

Transfers might be coming early this week.... Bc Sister Fehoko is going to Brava on the 20 or 21st.. sooooo... who knows. But everyone thinks I'm out bc I've been here for 9 months. Who knows at this point? Not me!

Um... Another old investigator of mine should be getting baptized this Saturday.. Iolanda. But we'll see if I'll be here!

Carnaval was crazy.. nobody does anything for valentines here... and Serdar was sick a day this week.

Also, my recent convert Rute is getting married tomorrow!! Hooray!!

That's all.

Sister Buhler

Monday, February 11, 2013

Oriana and Djony.

Well, This week has gone well. Oriana and Djony got baptized and we had another zone conference.

The zone conference was cool and president and sister oliveira came with us to teach a few lessons.

Yesterday was kindof a pooper. There were some silver linings, but we only had 3 folks at church. 3 from the 6 ladies we teach out of town and none from here in the city. Kindof a bummer. It's because of all the parties leading up to carnaval. Carnaval will be this tuesday. We have to be in our house at 6. I'm kindof glad about it. Yesterday was hard to find people to teach because there a carnaval practice dance parties everynight. and whole streets are blocked off by mobs. But.. It's all good. I'll stay home and journal and read! Finally! :)

Sister Serdar and I are doing fine. This next transfer 2 new Islands will open up. E.Cruz dos Santos will open up Boa Vista and Sister Fehoko will open up Brava. And Sal is going to become its own zone! With boa vista. I also heard Sal will have a new area open up for Sisters. Also, 26 inter-island travel plans have been bought... It's kindof cool knowing tid-bits of transfers. E. Cruz dos Santos is an AP right now... He gave me a look like I'm leaving. Who does he think he is? hhahaha.

Other than that. Joao came to the baptism of Oriana and Djony. :) He was super excited about getting baptized! He told us he is going to quit smoking completely monday! (thats today :) )

I'm so happy for Oriana and Djony. Deolinda (Oriana's and Manuel's mom) needs to get married so she can get baptized... But her man Francisco needs to get divorced from his old woman in Praia first. Bahhhh. But Deolinda is super happy that her family is entering into the right path. Only one left! Ju!:)

Not sure what else to say..
Love Sister Buhler

Monday, February 4, 2013

Carnaval is coming

Well, I don´t have too much to report this week.. My mini missionary Neusa is leaving for Portugal today. It's sad saying goodbye.

Well, I can talk about Manuel and Djony! Djony is Manuel´s friend that will be baptized this week. His mom was baptized 10yrs ago in Cova Figueira and we're trying to reactivate her. I also taught his brother Dany about 6 or so months ago. Manuel´s and Djony´s families are actually related! And neighbors!

Anyways, So we´re working really hard completing these two families and getting them active in the church. We brought Oriana (Manuel's sister) to Family night and she didn´t want to go at first but afterwards she told us that she really liked it!! :D

After family night we went over to Djony's house to teach him with Manuel. It was HILARIOUS. We were teaching him about the word of wisdom and Manuel leaned over to Sister Serdar and was like, "Have you asked him about Joseph Smith?" -Yeah. "What did he say?" -He got an answer.. but you can ask him again if you want to. Then Manuel gets a serious look on his face. (Keep in mind, Manuel is 11yrs old and Djony is 14) "did you pray about Joseph Smith?" -Yes. "And did you receive an answer?" -Yes. "How did you feel?" -I felt good. I felt really happy in my heart. I felt that he was a prophet. Oh man. I could have died. Little Elder Oliveira. His face we so serious. At the end of the lesson he turned to Djony and was like, " Can we end with a prayer? Will you give it? Can we kneel?" HAHA. I'm telling you. Missionary work is so pleasing.

That night Manuel gave Sister Serdar and I english hallographic halloween cards. Super funny. We went over there another night and he and Djony were playing the missionary game in the back of the Liahona. And there were two sister missionaries... One had blonde hair and one had brown. It's us! Hahaha. man. we love their families so much.

OH! Great story, So last Sunday, we were walking to an appointment and we saw a woman I knew(sorta) from Branch 1's area. I felt like I should talk to her but she was busy, so we decided that if our appointment wasn't there, we would go back. well, he wasn't! So we went back only to find that she was walking away. Then with us in a pickle, we turned to our planners to se our plan B's. But there was a man in the house next to where we were standing staring at us. And not just looking, but he was watching a soccer game, but was leaned ALL OVER in his chair turned around to look at us.
Serdar...what do we do now?
Buhler.. I don´t know but that man is staring at us.
S.. Where? *pretending to look at our planners*
B.. There.
S.. Oh. That's Weird.
B.. Yep.
S.. Is he still staring?
B.. Yep.
S.. ...Still
B.. Yep.
S.. Do you think we should talk to him?
B.. I don't know but he's not looking anymore.
S.. K good. *Intently trying to decide where to go*
Joao.. (turned back around) AMERICANAS?

Welp. That was a slap to the face. Haha. We had our first visit with him and he had questions about what he could and couldnt eat and do. So, we taught the word of wisdom and invited him to baptism. And he accepted. And came to church on his own this Sunday. Before he met us, he had given up hard liquor. Since this past Thursday, he no longer drinks wine, or coffee, and he has been decreasing his cigarrette intake. I am completely and utterly amazed by him. We met his family last night and all of them acted like he used to be really involved in alot of bad things. I'm so glad Heavenly Father led him to us. :) If things run well, 23rd of February, he'll be baptized! :D

Anyways, that is everything interesting. No pictures this week.
Next week for sure!
Sister Buhler