Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sao Paulo? July 30, 2012

Óla everyone! What a week. Basically, it's hot here in Fogo.. Like everyday. haha. Transfer calls were last night AND..... I'm staying! And I'm going to kill off my companion. She's very excited to be going home. Trunky? Yes.. A bit. haha. But not alot so that's good. :)

We're staying in Branch 1!!! Hooray!! Except that most of our work was in Branch 2.. :( I'm very sad to be leaving my investigators from Branch 2. BAHHH. But Branch 1 is happy to have me stay. :) The Branch President yesterday was telling me that he doesn't want me to leave. Hahaha. Nice guy.

OH! I gave my first talk in the mission field yesterday!! Hooray! It was on forgiveness. :) The Branch Pres called me up Saturday night and asked if I could fill in. I was so happy! When it came around to the time to give it I was praying "pleasepleaseplease let them understand my Portuguese" Not that I have bad Portuguese.. they speak creole and sometimes, depending on how you talk its hard for them to understand. ANYWAYS, so I get done and some 15yr old boy comes up to me and is like, "You need to practice your Portuguese."
Me-Be Quiet! I'm working on it!
kid-You need to speak Portuguese like her. *points to my companion*
Me-She was RAISED in Portugal! I can't speak like her!
kid-Where were you raised, São Paulo?
Me(Not understanding)-No! The United States!
kid-Oh! So you know English! You'll have to teach me sometime! *and walks off*

So I leave this kid thinking, Darn.. My Portuguese wasn't good. So then I go to tell my companion what happened and it clicks... São Paulo is in Brazil. He thought I was Brazilian. ...YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!! So long story short- My Portuguese is good, but I have a Brazilian accent. :) YES! Brazilians have AWESOME accents. :)

Well, we had the baptism of Pierre and Rosa this week! I'm so happy for them. :) Pierre is 23 years old. We met him two Sundays ago when he showed up for our branch. I sat by him because... well... I could tell he wasn't a member. Actually, he kindof looked like he was on drugs. BUT he was very nice! So One thing leads to another and BAM! Baptized! 2 weeks later. I'm telling you he was prepared by the Lord. :) He wants to get the priesthood and serve a mission and I'm just so proud of him! :)

Rosa is the cousin of Erica that was baptized a few weeks ago. But they're basically sisters. haha. She's a sweet girl. FINALLY! We've been waiting forever for things to fall into place! :)

They were also having an activity at the other branch and we ended up doing a little part on missionary work. It was really fun! I love their branch! And apparently they really like us. One member told the Elders that if I asked him to marry me, he'd say yes. HAHAHAAH. Funny. I'm not even sure who the kid is.

Other than that... Sister Routson is leaving Fogo and that makes me sad. Sister Arlete will train an American. (She didn't want to be training. hahahah.) SO! I hope the new American is cool like Routson!

Um.. Well.. That's all I can think of.
So Yeah. I'm doing good. And eating healthy. And drinking lots of water. And killing lots of bugs. And if anyone asks, I love my companion. :)
Until next week!
Sister Buhler

ps. no photos this week bc the computer stinks. :(

Monday, July 23, 2012

"I just washed my hands!" *looks at hands* "..Oh sick what is THAT?" July 23, 2012

Well, this week... Let's just say I'm glad transfers are soon. hahahaha.

But first with the good news! Carlos was baptized this week!!
(Yep, our other baptisms fell, but they are just being moved to this week.)

Carlos is the brother of Branch1's president. He's cool. We're really proud of him. Now the branch president can say that almost all of his family are members! :) It's pretty cool.

We have a goal of 5 baptisms for this week... I'm not sure what's going to happen, but one thing is for certain... Alot of work. hahaha. We have alot of progressing investigators and after this week, our dupla will be assigned to only one branch. Which is super sad!! I wanna keep all of my investigators!! They're all so cool!! AGH! We'll see what happens.

Something cool about Fogo that everyone should know is that we, in fact, have sledding. It's true. I saw it yesterday. A kid was on top of a sheet of refrigerator coils bent up on one side, and was sliding down the road. Hahahaa. Oh man. If I had a camera.

ALSO! Saturday we taught this woman who is the mother of a member of the Branch. My companion was complimenting her on her head scarf that said " <3 Jesus." The lady was like "Oh, Thank you!! You've got to see this!" So she starts lifting up her apron. I think she's going to reveal a shirt with Jesus' face on it. Nope. Continues lifting up the apron to reveal a dog shirt. She pulls down the collar of her dog shirt. I think "Oh goodness. Does her bra say something about Jesus?" Nope. But pinned to the INSIDE of her bra is a Jesus button. She's a very nice woman. She gave us 4 mangos at the end of our visit. Probably the most interesting visit I've had all week. hahaha.

Today we went to see the beach. It was fun. The sand is black. What a heck of a battle getting it off my white skin. hahaha. But it's kinda cool bc if you keep going past Brava on the horizon, eventually you'll hit Florida! "HI MOM!" Haha.

The conference President gave was pretty cool. Every time I talk to our mission president, my Portuguese stops working. I forgot the word for "drive" then the only word I could think of was "ride" so.. hahaha. I'm sure he thinks I'm having problems, but no. Just in front of him.

In two days, I will hit my 6 month mark in the mission! WOO HOO! Everyone excited?! I am. I found Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix, 2 weeks ago. I've been saving it. :) MMMM!

Anyways, that's all I can think of. I hope everyone has a GREAT week! :)
Love, Sister Buhler


Monday, July 16, 2012

Cashews July 16, 2012

SO! We had 2 baptisms this week! Kevin and Sedenei(Sidney)!! AGH! I'm really proud of them. In the picture.. I've got a belly. But it's bc I had to pull up my skirt so high. It's so long! And you know.. I'm so short. hahaha.

Kevin's little sisters will be baptized the 4th of August if all goes well. He's doing great though. He went out and taught with us. It was awesome. He taught about the Kingdoms in the Plan of Salvation. EVERYONE knows Kevin, which is amazing bc he's a kid of very few words. haha. But Really though. He's outstanding. We took the Missionary couple that is serving in our area with us to a Family Night at his house last Monday night and they were just SO impressed by him. :) Which they should be, He's great! :)

Sidney is a surfer. hahah. He's really cool. He's the nephew of our Branch President. I really like him. we were a little on edge when he didn't show up for an appointment and when he was running late for his baptismal interview, but its bc he was in the ocean too long. hahahah.

OH! I'VE GOT NEWS! Our branch split this Sunday! YEAHHHH! Super exciting! But... I'm not sure how thats working out so we're going to work in 2 branches I think until next transfer. Which, I'm stoked about, bc that means I get to teach all of my investigators!

So there is this fruit here that I've never seen before in my life, Caju. Its like a colorful pepper with a seed on top. Turns out, if you take the seed, dry it out in the oven and crack it open.. You have a cashew nut. HOLY MOLEY! My mind was sincerely blown! But the fruity part is like... spicey sweety ... flan texture. Weird. But fascinating all the same.
And as a cool side note, I figured out how to make the milk here taste normal! I have to buy skim milk. Then I stick a few ice cubes in it because the carton its in doesn't get it cold enough. And then if I'm eating knock off raisin bran, I stick brown sugar in it. (The raisin bran and the brown sugar I found in the american store) GENIUS! Now I'm back to drinking milk. Oh man, I missed milk.

We have zone conference this week. I'm not that excited. But we'll see what happens. Maybe it'll be good. Maybe I'll get mail!! :)

We have 2 baptisms lined up for this week that I'm really excited about, but I'll tell you about them next letter.

Tchau Tchau for now!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sister Chazuda July 9, 2012

SO! Well, this is the point in my mission where nothing seems different from the last. hahaha. BUT Happy late 4th of July to everyone! And Feliz Dia de Independência Cabo Verde! (July 5th) AND I hit 100 days in the mission field on July 5th! WOOOOO! :) If you are wondering how I celebrated the momentous occasions, I made mango banana smoothies the 4th of July and I made oreo milkshakes, hamburgers and potato wedges the next day. :) Yum! :)

I have baptisms to report! Erica and Olimpia were baptized! If you are wondering why some of the suits don't have zippers in the front.. It's bc I forgot to tell Erica and Olimpia that the zipper goes in the front. But I didn't want to make them feel dumb after they had already changed! So... Yeah. Just don't tell them. haha.

Olimpia is a baptism of the Elders. She's been waiting quite some time to be baptized. She was pregnant and the Doctor told her she couldn't get baptized until after she had the baby. hahah. So HOORAY for baby Jaqueline!! :)

The first day I got here and we were getting to know our area a lady named Lucia stopped us in the street and said, "I want my children o be baptized in your church. When can you stop by?" Lucia is the aunt of Erica. (Erica was basically raised by her) This upcoming Saturday we will have the baptism of Lucia's daughter, Rosa! :) Elder is Lucia's oldest son. He baptized Erica. :) Boy, I sure do LOVE baptisms!! :)

So! I HAVE to tell you about one of my favorite investigators, Kevin! He's amazing! He's 13 years old. He showed up at church last week and wanted to talk to the missionaries. So we set up an appointment and he will be baptized this Saturday too! Our leaders don't want us to baptize anyone that is under 14 years of age without a responsible older person in the family to take them to church. So I was wondering how we were going to get him baptized with his upcoming baptism date. But let me just tell you: The Lord ALWAYS provides. The very next day after I had been a bit worried, we talk to his older sister, and she was baptized! She's just less active! And you know what?! Kevin brought her to church yesterday!! I'm telling you. He's going to be a stake president or something one day. Do you know what he said our first lesson with him?
Us- Will you pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true?
Kevin- It's true.
Us-....uh... Will you follow Christ's example and be baptized?
Kevin- Yes.
Us- The 14th of July?
Kevin- Yes.
So Basically Kevin is awesome. Definitely prepared by the Lord.

Other than that... A member from the other branch in our city gave me the nickname Sister Chãzuda. It's creole. But long story short, I think it means Sister Smart Aleck. I don't think it'll stick though. hahah.

Also, I have included a picture of me with 2 of our investigators that went on a month vacation to America before we could baptize them. But they'll be back. :) Fatima and Marcelino. So now everyone knows how I look on a normal day to day basis. hahaha.

Oh and my companion woke me up at 2 in the morning last night when she flipped on the lights and told me to kill a bug. I have so much patience now. Let me tell you.. hahaha. I didn't even get mad at her. I looked at her, at the bug, watched it go under my bed and told her to go back to sleep. And I rolled over. hahaha. I ended up going on a search and killing it for her. They say missions change people. I guess they are right. hahaha.

Anyways, that's all!
Sister Buhler

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sister...booleh? July 3, 2012

Well, I don't have much to report on this week. BUT We did have the baptism of the sweetest 9 year old ever. :) Her name is Linda. I honestly love her to pieces! Her entire family aren't members yet, but we're working on it. :) We just have to work past some commandments with her family.. haha.

Anyways, Fogo is still hot. But I'm learning to love it! My skin isn't getting tanner, but my hair is getting blonder and longer it seems. So I guess that's a plus. :)

We were sharing our area with some elders because there is SO MUCH work here... but they are getting tranferred to another part of the island. SO now we have all of their investigators and ours and our growing pool of references of people to teach! We are busy, busy, BUSY! I fasted to be able to find some of the people here that are really prepared for the gospel, and BOY! did we find them all that day! So it looks as if we will be doing splits this week to teach everyone. Hooray more work! :)

A little tender blessing of today is that our landlord's wife gave us some mangos this morning! YES!! I love mangos!

There isn't too much news. It's a alot of stressfulness here with everyone to teach and with us trying to split the branch and make a stake. 5 stakes = a temple. Or so I've heard. So basically there is alot of pressure on the missionaries here in Fogo to baptize. It's.. stressful. hahaha. But hopefully the stress will pass. I love the work here. I love teaching and helping these people spiritually.. I just hate people rushing me to baptize. But it'll all work out. :)

I LOVE our branch here! But I can never get anyone's name right! hahaha. It's so hard remembering 200 names! GOSH! It'll come by the end of the transfer though. hahaha.

Anyways, I hope everything is great for everyone!
Sister Buhler